
Challenging News In Our Thought-Provoking Times…

Business: Competitors’ Mistakes + Your Ideas = Innovative Products + Services => Less Competition..!

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Buying Your Company’s Products…

  • To get a sense of where you could improve and innovate at your own company or business, try buying your company’s products or services incognito, then try using them. If you run into a problem, get in touch with customer relations — assuming, of course, that you can track down the contact information, a page that is usually hard to find on most websites. Throughout this process, take notes and take names.

 Reviewing With Your Team…

  • When you’re done, follow up  with a business review, with your team: What changes or innovations would make your product or service not only more useful to your customers, but more memorable and enjoyable? Were the interactions with customer service representatives of the sort that you would like your customers to have? How could they be more helpful?

 Competitor’s Mistakes..?

  • While your people may be quick to point out a competitor’s mistakes, they are more likely to try to cover up any such blemishes at your own operation — particularly if it could reflect badly on their personal performance. So remember to take this opportunity to also catch your employees doing something right.

Richard Branson Competition 1

Author: Nikos Chatzis

B2B Negotiations & Social Media-Mobile & Digital Marketing & Innovation Consultant

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